Welcome to Yarnsea

Welcome to Yarnsea, your new central hub for selling patterns with kits effortlessly while earning a substantial profit. Our mission is to unify designers, shops, and crafters in a single global community, fostering inspiration and collaboration.

Start Selling Your Patterns with Kits in Just 10 Minutes

Sell your patterns along with kits easily and efficiently, earning 50% of the profits on kits sold. We handle the logistics so you can focus on creating.

One Hub for All





Yarnsea serves as a pivotal platform connecting designers, shops, and crafters, offering global reach and community-driven innovation.

<aside> 💡 At Yarnsea, collaboration is key. We've built our platform with direct input from designers like you, ensuring it meets your needs and enhances your ability to sell patterns and kits globally.


Simplifying Financials and Material Matching

At Yarnsea, we understand the intricacies involved in the financial and logistical aspects of selling patterns globally. That's why we've established a streamlined payment system for designers that ensures monthly payouts, regardless of their location around the world. To facilitate a smooth transaction process, we initiate payments when a designer's earnings reach a minimum threshold of €25. Designers earn 50% of the profits from each kit sold, providing a significant opportunity to earn from their creative work.