Rose Bouquet Coaster
Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster Rose Bouquet Coaster

Rose Bouquet Coaster

Pattern languages available: English (US)



The Rose Bouquet Coaster is a no-sew crochet pattern that features a dozen rose buds embellishing the edges of a lacy coaster. There are two variations for the flowers to create both a young rosebud and one that is more mature, with protruded petals. A flower pot pattern is included as a storage container, so that the coaster serves as a bouquet of a dozen roses and makes a lovely home decor item for a windowsill or office desk. This sweet crochet pattern is the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays, or Christmas holiday. They are also suitable for selling at craft fairs.

The PDF pattern includes progress photos as part of a photo tutorial to help guide you through the crochet process. There is also a full, step-by-step video tutorial available.

Required skill level: beginner

The pattern exists in following languages:

  • English (US)

After your purchase, you'll have access to download the pattern in all available languages.

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